Content at Scale Review

Content at Scale Review: Best Copywriter in 2023?

My Content at Scale review and welcome to the no-nonsense zone where we dissect tech tools, not with fancy jargon, but with straight facts. Today, we’re looking under the hood of Content at Scale (CaS).

First off, who’s it for? What makes it tick differently than the sea of other tools out there? And, most importantly, where could it use a tune-up? We’re going to answer all of these, keeping it simple though.

Next, we’ll take a detour into the neighborhoods of Jasper, and Writesonic, checking out what they’re packing under their hoods. It’s a straightforward and unbiased comparison, free from marketing fluff and filled with practical insights.

Now, let’s talk about the green stuff. In our final act, this Content at Scale review will reveal the mysteries of their pricing structure. We’ll also take a look into their affiliate program to see if it’s just another gimmick or a genuine opportunity.

So, sit tight as we gear up to make sense of how content marketers can scale their content creation process. 

Now +20% post credits

The upfront pricing might give you pause. However, when you take into account the cost per post, it becomes clear that the investment is worthwhile.
Not only does this free you from the often tiresome process of sourcing a professional writer, but it also guarantees you research-driven content that slips seamlessly past AI-detection.
The result? Quality, authentic content without the headaches.

When you make a purchase through our affiliate links, we earn a commission at no extra expense to you!

Simplifying tech for everybody. Let’s go!

What does Content At Scale say About their AI

Let’s delve into what Content at Scale claims their product can do for you. Once we’ve dissected their promises, we’ll scrutinize whether these claims hold water. 

Tired of breaking your back over endless hours of content creation for your blog or business? Well, your search ends here. Meet Content at Scale – the AI-powered copywriting software from the creative lab of Justin McGill and his crew, designed to streamline the process of churning out high-grade, long-form content with just a nudge from you.

Unlike the one-trick ponies of the software world, CaS boasts a unique content automation system, with not one, not two, but three AI engines, and a duo of language processing and semantic analysis algorithms (one of them being GPT-3). This tech wizardry empowers CaS to deliver top-notch solutions for bloggers, marketers, content writers, and marketing agencies.

  • Welcome to the future of content creation. Writer’s block? A thing of the past with Content at Scale. This tool can whip up entire blog posts from a keyword or even a YouTube video, a podcast or any other audio file. Whether you’re running a niche site or in need of other long-form content, it’s got you covered.
  • But what about speed? Forget about slow and steady. With CaS, you’re in for a fast and furious content creation experience without skimping on quality. Imagine having a full-fledged article ready before your coffee gets cold.
  • And let’s not forget about SEO. With its built-in SEO capabilities, CaS analyzes your topic, suggesting relevant keywords to up your search engine game while delivering worthwhile info for your readers.

Struggling with consistency in your blog posts? Or feeling the heat to quickly scale up your content production? Then, Content at Scale is your knight in shining tech armor.

This game-changer will handle all the heavy lifting involved in crafting enthralling content tailored for your target audience, ensuring a hit every time you hit ‘publish’. Boost your ROI, break free from traditional methods, and ride the wave of cutting-edge tech with Content at Scale.

Why Content at Scale is the Future of SEO Content

Wow, that’s a statement, now let’s check in my Content at Scale review what I’ve discovered for you. It’s time to separate fact from fiction.

Main Takeaway

Content at Scale is an AI writing tool that simplifies the process of generating high-quality, long-form articles with minimal input from users.

CaS has developed a unique content automation system that is more than just a layer on top of GPT-3.

With its superior content generation capabilities, faster turnaround time and built-in SEO features it can help businesses produce engaging blog posts consistently.

The Upsides of Content at Scale

Pros of Content at Scale

From my perspective, Content at Scale carves out a niche for itself as a top-tier content writing tool, particularly shining when it comes to long-form articles. A variety of elements contribute to its standout performance, making it my go-to tool for crafting extensive pieces.

Seeing the Forest, Not Just the Trees

The organizational framework and workflow provided by CaS are advantageous even before embarking on creating any blog content. Whether you’re juggling multiple clients solo or collaborating within a team, the Project View feature is your organizing wizard. It helps neatly categorize and distinguish all articles and blog posts by project, keeping the chaos at bay. Plus, the ability to set rules within this feature ensures brand consistency across all content for a specific client, freeing you from constant vigilance.

The in-built AI Detector and Plagiarism Checker are more cherries on top, offering cost efficiency over other tools. And let’s not forget the WordPress integration, allowing seamless import of your created and reviewed content directly into your WordPress blog. Say goodbye to tedious manual copy-pasting between tools and systems.

The support team deserves a shout-out, too. They’re prompt, helpful, and open to suggestions for enhancement. Sure, as a relatively new kid on the block, Content at Scale has its share of bugs. But don’t let that deter you given the service’s price tag. I encourage you to reach out to the support team before you contemplate hitting the cancel button. So far, every hurdle I have encountered has been cleared with their assistance.

Creating Content

  • Superior content generation capabilities: There are several things that make this product unique however to generate long-form content is where it excels. You can choose if want CaS to generate a long-form article for you based on keywords or from existing blog posts or YouTube videos that inspired you or even podcasts or any other audio file.

    These options are really great to mix up your content as it generates an entire post in a way that you probably would not have thought of.
  • SEO Optimization: CaS has a built in SurferSEO type of optimizer that helps you to display which recommended keywords you have used, over-used or are missing in your post. This is one of my favorite features about Content at Scale as it gives you the possibility to improve your on-page SEO score and the option to safe up to 50$ per month for an external SEO optimizer.
  • Checklist: The Checklist is a simple but valuable feature, it is a list of roughly 20 items that let you see if you are on the right path with your project.
  • Ranking Content:  It’s difficult to choose a favorite feature from the many impressive ones, but the ability to add content from the top ranking sites definitely ranks among my top three.

    This tool presents a list of the highest-ranking websites for your selected keyword and allows you to peruse their outlines in order to identify any gaps in your own content. By simply clicking on the add button, CaS will analyze their material and produce a unique content that is similar to what is found on those top ranking sites.
  • Rewrite Feature 1: There are two different types of rewriting features available in CaS. The first one allows you to completely rewrite your entire post, and you can use it twice for free. However, if you need to use it a third time, it will cost an additional credit.
  • Rewrite Feature 2: The second type of rewriting feature is more lightweight and allows you to select a specific part of your text within the editor and ask CaS to provide suggestions for rewrites. You can then choose from the two suggestions provided or continue hitting the “rewrite” button until you find the perfect alternative phrasing for that particular section of your text.
  • Plagiarism Checker: The plagiarism scanner from Copyscape is directly integrated into CaS which saves you time.
  • AI Detector: While the Integrated AI content detector is a useful feature, I don’t consider it to be the most crucial aspect of SEO writing. In my opinion, what matters more is whether the content provides genuine value to my readers.

    Even if an AI Detector can identify that my content was not created by a human writer, as long as it’s informative and helpful for my audience, I don’t mind at all. Ultimately, creating valuable content should take precedence over any technology used in its creation.
  • High Grammarly scores ensuring quality output: When it comes to creating top-notch written material that appeals to both search engines and readers alike, grammar matters. Content at Scale boasts an average Grammarly score of 90/100 – meaning you can trust the writing quality of the post content.

Main Takeaway

Content at Scale is an AI writing tool that can write blog posts based on just a few keywords or even YouTube videos or podcasts. It boasts high-quality content generation capabilities, SEO-friendly research reports and impressive Grammarly scores averaging around 90 points out of 100 possible points.

Cons of Using Content at Scale

Cons of Content at Scale

Even though I’m a fan of Content at Scale and appreciate its perks, I believe it’s crucial to spotlight the areas that need a tune-up, and the aspects that might turn some folks off. 

Content Editor: Not quite as slick as the rest, if I’m being honest. It’s tough to put a finger on it, but the content editor doesn’t have the smooth ride I expected especially when importing text from other software. Formatting goes awry, sometimes requiring a manual clean-up in code view since the ‘remove formatting’ button falls short.

Tone of Voice: The current setup only allows for a single tone of voice. Unfortunately, I’ve yet to find one that mirrors my writing style, making it a bit of a chore to edit and align the content with my brand.

Update May 26th

Since the recent update Tone of Voice has become one of my favorite Features. Not only can you preselect styles of successful influencers. You can also create your own custom style better than in any other tool that I have seen so far.

Create Content: The content creation feature? It’s a bit of a mystery box, especially when you’re dealing with selected keywords that was created based on an existing blog post. The app gives you a popup asking if you’re sure you want to create posts for that selected mystery keyword. And that’s the problem – you don’t know what that keyword is! 

Are you sure to create post for selected keyword - modal screen

So, I gave their support team a shout and suggested showing the chosen keyword, with an option to tweak it. Hopefully, by the time you’re reading this, they’ve made that change.

Bugs: The app’s always evolving, and sometimes that means a feature might hit a snag. It’s a bit of a downer, but on the flip side, it shows they’re listening to feedback and continually improving the product.

Time to Generate Content: My tests showed that it takes over 15 minutes to generate a full 3,000-word post. Not a catastrophe, but it’s worth noting.

Limited Short-Form Copywriting abilities: You’ll notice that the shortest output from this tool is “Less than 750 words”. Eyeing snappy social media or Twitter posts? Content at Scale may not be your go-to. Two-liners eating into your monthly post credits? Seems like a cash burn to me.

Words Count per Post

Main Takeaway

Content at Scale is an AI writing tool that generates long-form content quickly and efficiently, but it may not be as adept in crafting compelling short-form copy for advertisements or social media captions.

Competitors like,, and Writesonic offer alternative solutions with advanced language models, pre-built templates tailored to different industries and purposes, making them excellent choices if you require diverse copywriting solutions.

As a business owners or content marketers, it’s crucial to weigh the pros and cons of each AI writing tool before making a decision that caters specifically to your unique requirements.

How Does Content At Scale Work?

Alright, having skimmed the surface of what the folks at Content at Scale say about their own product and having weighed in on my personal pros and cons, it’s time we delve deeper into the feature set. We will embark on a journey to create an entire blog post together.

I’ve noticed that many bloggers’ reviews of Content at Scale seem to predate their brand revamp and the launch of their 2.0 update. But rest assured, we’re not here to rehash old news. In this review, we’re zeroing in on the latest features they have to offer. 


The dashboard is the first thing you’ll see when accessing Content at Scale. It provides an overview of all the features and functions available on the platform. Take a look below to get a better understanding of what’s included in the dashboard.

Content at Scale Dashboard

Content at Scale Dashboard

Examining the various sections of the dashboard and their potential benefits can provide a more detailed understanding.

Content at Scale Dashboard

CaS – Menu Bar

  1. Posts Credit – Here you see how many posts you have left and the possibility to buy more posts. If you require only one post, it is available for purchase at $39. Alternatively, you can upgrade your account to access more posts.
  2. Search – A search bar can be a useful tool when managing multiple client projects, as it allows you to quickly locate specific posts or information.
  3. Latest Changes – Here’s a brief summary of the recent updates, including bug fixes, new features and improvements made to Content at Scale. You can find more detailed information about these changes in the complete change log.
  4. Notifications – As of now, I haven’t received any notifications and therefore, I am unable to describe their appearance.
  5. Account Settings – You can modify your profile information, review your payment details or sign out of the platform.
Content at Scale Dashboard

Statistics Overview

In my opinion, the first two statistics on Post creation and Words generated are useful. However, I find the other two stats to be more of a gimmick. This is because everyone has their own unique writing process and conditions that affect how long it takes them to write an article and how much they have to pay for it. 

It’s important to keep in mind that the statistics regarding “Time Saved” and “Cost Savings” may not be universally applicable. These figures might make you feel good about your content production, but it’s crucial to assess their relevance on a case-by-case basis before making any assumptions.

Content at Scale Dashboard

Posts Graph and Posts Status Overview

Although these statistics may seem excessive when working alone, they can be quite valuable for a team to quickly assess the current situation. To fully utilize these statistics, it is important to assign different statuses to posts. As you can see, I still need to improve in this area.

Projects Page Configuration

The Projects Page is where the magic begins. Here, you can set up your project by adding key takeaways that will be automatically incorporated into your article drafts. No more manually inserting crucial points – Content at Scale does it all for you. You only need to set up these Project-Settings once for your entire project.

To simplify the process, we will divide it into smaller steps and examine the necessary actions for each stage.

Content at Scale Dashboard

Project Creation

When starting a new project for reviews, there are various options that we can set up. While some of these choices may not have much impact, others are quite important. Let’s take a closer look at what they are.

  • Project Name –  The title of your project is not significant in terms of how or what content is written. However, it may be useful for you if you are managing multiple projects simultaneously.
  • Project URL – To ensure that you are working on the appropriate project for the right client or website, this information is provided as a guide.
  • Project Context – In order to ensure consistency across multiple posts, it is helpful to establish a context that will be used in all generated content for this project. This way, we can maintain a cohesive message without the need to constantly remember or worry about the base content.
  • Monthly Posts – The number entered here is merely a target to aim for, without any significant influence on any aspect. As you take the quick tour, CaS recommends inputting 20 as it’s a commonly chosen value by most users.
  • Target Audience – This option is useful for maintaining consistency throughout the generated content. It’s important to keep it simple in order to achieve better results.
  • Tone of Voice – As previously stated, it is possible to establish a Tone of Voice, but only one option can be chosen. You have the choice to select from the styles suggested by CaS or create your own tone such as “Joe Rogan” or “Donald Trump”, depending on your preference.
  • Language –  The text provides around 100 options, and it is quite easy to understand without further explanation.
  • Word Count Range – You can set the default length to generate long-form content. The available options are “Less than 750”, “751 – 1250”, “1251 – 2000”, “2000 – 3000” or “+3000” words.

Once the project is successfully created, it will be displayed in the list of all your projects. You can easily identify and access your newly created project from this list.

Content at Scale Dashboard

The newly created Project appears in your Project List

There are additional settings that can be configured for each Project individually. These settings include options such as Post Automations, Call to Actions, and Integrations with platforms like WordPress (which is already available) and Shopify (coming soon).

Project Settings - Post Automations

Project Settings – Post Automations

The Post Automation Settings provide options to enhance the posts in your project. You can select whether you want CaS to create takeaways, brief summaries at regular intervals, a table of contents or FAQs containing pertinent questions related to the primary keyword. These features can add value and improve the quality of your content.

A helpful addition to any project would be the inclusion of Call to Actions (CTAs) at the beginning and/or end of each post. These CTAs can help encourage engagement and prompt readers to take action, ultimately enhancing the overall effectiveness of your project.

Project Settings - Call to Actions

Project Settings – Call to Action

I have included a Call-to-Action at the beginning and end of the post. However, it is important to note that this is not a clickable button that will prompt users to sign up for an email newsletter or follow on social media. Instead, it serves as a textual reminder for the editor to incorporate a specific type of action into their blog post.

Creation from Keyword Option

I am requesting the AI to generate a review article about Copy AI based on my input and provide additional context. The objective is to assess whether the AI can understand my sentiments towards Copy AI and produce a review post that meets my expectations. This will be similar to the article you are currently reading, which serves as an illustration of what I want in terms of tone and content.

New Post from Keyword

Post From Keyword

After waiting for 19 minutes, CaS was able to produce a post with over 3,000 words based on a given keyword and additional context. Now, let’s evaluate if the wait time was justified by the quality post content.

SEO Score

SEO Optimization Score

This looks already very promising SEO performance score of 81/100 without any editing, let’s also check if the 90 – 100 Grammarly Score that CaS produces is confirmed by Grammarly itself.

Grammarly Text Score

Grammarly Performance Score

And just like that, in a swift 19 minutes, Content at Scale churned out a 3,833-word article with a solid 92 out of 100 Grammarly score. Quite impressive, right?

Now, pasting the entire text here would be overkill. So, let’s just take a peek at the Table of Contents and a Pros and Cons section it crafted to give you a sense of the post’s structure.

Generated Table of Contents

Generated Table of Contents

Pros and Cons of Using

If you’re a professional, marketer, or marketing agency looking to take advantage of AI-powered copywriting tools to optimize your content creation process, it’s important to consider the pros and cons of before making a decision. In this section, we’ll dive into the advantages and disadvantages of using, one of the most innovative platforms in the market.

Advantages that make stand out

  • Easy-to-use interface: Even if you’re new to AI copywriting tools, getting started with is a breeze. Using its intuitive interface, enables you to quickly generate high-quality content for any purpose.
  • Versatile templates: With numerous pre-built templates available on – from blog posts and social media captions to sales copy – there’s something for every type of project. This versatility saves time by providing ready-made structures tailored for specific needs.
  • GPT-3 powered outputs: Leveraging OpenAI’s GPT-3 language model technology means that generates human-like writing quality. It can help overcome writer’s block while maintaining consistency across different types of content.
  • Frequent updates & improvements: The team behind continuously works on enhancing its features based on user feedback. As a result, subscribers benefit from regular updates aimed at improving their overall experience with the software.

Disadvantages users may encounter

  • Inaccurate information occasionally generated: While AI-generated content has come a long way in recent years, GPT-3 can still produce inaccurate figures or statements. It’s essential to double-check your content for factual accuracy before publishing.
  • Random offline instances: Like any other online tool, may experience occasional downtime due to server issues or maintenance. Although rare, these occurrences could impact your workflow if you rely heavily on the platform.

In a nutshell, offers numerous benefits that make it an attractive option for those seeking AI copywriting assistance. However, it’s crucial to be aware of its limitations and have a backup plan in place should any issues arise. Realizing the pros and cons of can help you make an informed decision regarding if this cutting-edge technology is suitable for your writing requirements. presents a wealth of capabilities that make it an appealing choice for bloggers and marketers alike. Nevertheless, it is important to take into account any potential drawbacks before making a purchase decision. Moving on from this topic, let’s take a look at the pricing plans offered by

Generated Text Sample

Plagiarism Checker via Copyscape Integration

No one wants plagiarized content tarnishing their brand image or search engine rankings. Content at Scale integrates seamlessly with Copyscape – so every piece produced can be checked to be unique and free from duplication issues. 

Plagiarism Checker via Copyscape

Integrated Plagiarism Checker

Although the plagiarism checker integrated into CaS reported 0% similarity, Grammarly found a 5% match with content produced by Content at Scale. However, upon checking the sources of these similarities highlighted by Grammarly, only one article had a similar topic on AI copywriting tools.

The other matched articles were about unrelated topics such as “Get ready to cook like a pro” and “Healing massage techniques.” Therefore, it can be concluded that the integrated plagiarism checker’s report of 0% is likely accurate.

AI Detector

Now, what’s the verdict from the internal AI Detector on the content it crafted itself? Let’s find out.

Plagiarism Checker via Copyscape

Integrated AI Detector

On top of providing an overview, Content at Scale doesn’t stop there. It scans the crafted text and pinpoints sentences that are likely AI-generated, even marking those that could possibly be AI-crafted. This feature lets you know where tweaks could or should be made to ensure the content sounds less robotic and more human.

Is it ready to be published without editing?

Despite these impressive metrics, is the blog ready for publication? As it stands in 2023, my advice is to avoid publishing AI-generated content as-is (though, who knows what technological advancements the future holds). Hence, I wouldn’t deem this content publish-ready just yet. Here’s why:

  • Media: Content at Scale doesn’t automatically pepper in images or videos. Sure, there’s an image library where I could have dropped my screenshots, and Content at Scale would’ve placed them contextually. That’s a feature we’ll have to experiment with in another review. 
  • Tone of Voice: Even though the stats are top-notch and the content sounds professional, it still hasn’t quite nailed my personal writing style. 
  • Facts: While the majority of the content appears accurate, you’d still need to cross-check and verify details against original sources. For instance, it mentioned a 7-day trial, while Copy AI actually offers a free plan with 2,000 words per month, not a 7-day free trial. 
  • Structure: I asked it to present the pricing plans in a table format, but it returned a bulleted list instead.

Creating a review post is a complex task, perhaps a bit too complex for an AI at this point. But, I wanted to push the envelope and test its capacity for an unbiased review, considering simpler tasks are generally a breeze for these tools. To fine-tune such a post, I’d need around six to ten hours, factoring in tasks like creating a playbook, capturing screenshots, refining the article’s outline, and tweaking its tone.

That said, while most AI-generated articles would need some level of revision, not all posts demand such extensive editing. Reviews, by their nature, are more intricate and thus require extra attention to deliver a comprehensive evaluation of the products or services under the microscope.

Main Takeaway

Content at Scale software streamlines content scaling for solopreneurs or teams. High-quality, AI-generated output? Check. Minimal plagiarism, untraceable as AI? Check.

Creating a post from a keyword is a breeze, though expect some editing, over two hours for intricate pieces. Don’t mind a 20-minute wait for a 3,000-word article – it’s worth your time.

Content at Scale Pricing Structure

Let’s examine the way Content at Scale charges for their services.

PlanPostsPrice / Month
Content at Scale Pricing Table

At first glance, the Content at Scale pricing content might cause some eyes to widen. Solo at $250 per month for 8 posts, Starter at $500 for 20, Scaling at a cool $1000 for 50 posts, and Agency at $1500 for a whopping 100 posts; it might appear as a luxury only a few can afford.

However, let’s dive a bit deeper, and you’ll realize it’s more of an investment than an expenditure. Content at Scale offers you a way to quickly scale your content creation without the hassle of hiring and managing writers. That Scaling plan might seem steep, but the math tells a different story.

You’re effectively paying $20 per AI-written post, which in the grand scheme of things, isn’t a small chunk of change, but neither is it an exorbitant fee.

Consider the time and effort you’d otherwise expend to write blog posts, create content briefs, and scout reliable writers for your scale content needs. And then there’s the suspense – will they deliver as promised?

With Content at Scale, you get consistently high-quality, AI-written content, almost ready to publish. You give content direction, and in return, you get an entire article from a keyword, an existing top ranking post from a YouTube video or a podcast, curated to your needs.

Content marketers, don’t balk at the price tag. Instead, see it as a strategic move to level up your game. This tool may not be for everyone, but for those who understand the value of their time and the importance of consistent, high-quality content, it’s a no-brainer.

OK I get it, you’re more of a “hands-off, let the pros handle it” type, but guess what, CaS got something for you too. Here’s the deal. For $2,000 a month, the team at Content at Scale will do all the dirty work for you.

They’ll dig deep into keyword research (don’t sweat, you’ll have the final say on the targets), get their hands on the controls of their system, and fine-tune 20 posts every month. But it doesn’t stop there. They’ll even get those posts scheduled directly on your blog, following a daily publishing schedule!

Now +20% post credits

The upfront pricing might give you pause. However, when you take into account the cost per post, it becomes clear that the investment is worthwhile.
Not only does this free you from the often tiresome process of sourcing a professional writer, but it also guarantees you research-driven content that slips seamlessly past AI-detection.
The result? Quality, authentic content without the headaches.

When you make a purchase through our affiliate links, we earn a commission at no extra expense to you!

Now, if you’re still unsure whether CaS is right for you, remember there are Content at Scale alternatives like,, and Writesonic that you can explore based on your specific business needs. 

Main Takeaway

Content at Scale offers flexible plans starting from $250 per month for 8 posts, up to the Agency level with 100 posts per month. Currently you also get +20% posts for each plan.

Or you can go for 20 posts per month at $2,000 all done for you by the Content at Scale team.

Considering Content at Scale Alternatives

Whilst Content at Scale is a formidable contender to write long-form content, other players in the market like,, and Writesonic also warrant consideration. These alternatives each bring their unique strengths to the table, serving different content needs.

Jasper: Your Companion for Short-Form Copywriting

For those in the hunt for a tool adept at generating short-form copywriting or persuasive marketing pieces, could be your golden ticket. Powered by the advanced GPT-3 technology, Jasper crafts compelling social media content, punchy ad copies, snappy email templates, and more at the drop of a hat. Now that they have changed their pricing plans from a fixed word count per month to unlimited words per month, it undoubtfully remains one of the top contenders in the ai copywriting space. What’s more, it’s backed by an impressive knowledge base and a customer service team that’s as responsive as they come.

Exploring and Writesonic

  • Meet another impressive contender, Copy AI. Harnessing the prowess of OpenAI‘s GPT-3 engine (recently updated their Chat functionality to GPT-4), it spins out creative content across a wide spectrum of formats, from blog ideas to product descriptions and catchy headlines. Its intuitive interface invites even beginners to navigate with ease, all the while offering price points that won’t break the bank.
  • Writesonic: If you’re looking for a diverse feature set, Writesonic has you covered. From summarizing articles and rewriting existing content to creating video scripts and LinkedIn profiles, this tool does it all, thanks to its unique natural language processing technology. Plus, they offer a complimentary trial, so you can take it for a spin before committing financially.

When it comes to selecting an AI writing tool, it’s all about striking the right balance. Weigh the benefits and drawbacks, factor in your specific needs – content type, target audience, budget, and user-friendliness. Compare these alternatives against Content at Scale to make an informed investment in your content creation arsenal.

One thing’s for sure – there’s no shortage of options for those seeking to rapidly and effectively produce content. 

Main Takeaway

The article discusses alternatives to Content at Scale for AI-written content, including,, and Writesonic. Each platform has its unique features and benefits that cater to specific needs such as short-form copywriting or creating video scripts.

It’s essential to consider factors like budget constraints, ease of use, and target audience when choosing the right solution for your content creation needs.

Joining the Content At Scale Affiliate Program

If you’re excited about Content at Scale and its potential to revolutionize content creation, why not consider joining their affiliate program? It’s an opportunity to shout out about this trailblazing tool, all while earning a little something for your efforts.

Perks and Earnings as an Affiliate

  • Competitive commission rates: As a Content at Scale affiliate partner, you’ll have access to attractive commission rates that reward your promotional efforts.
  • Promotional materials: You’ll receive banners and other marketing assets designed by Content at Scale’s expert team to help boost your conversion rate.
  • Dedicated support: Need a hand or some pointers on how to effectively promote Content at Scale? Their dedicated support team will be there for you every step of the way.
  • Growth opportunities: This platform could be a game-changer for new businesses looking to up their content game and make a splash in the competitive online marketplace.

How to Ace Being a Content at Scale Affiliate Partner: Tips & Tricks

To hit the ground running as a Content at Scale affiliate partner, consider these tips:

  1. Create engaging blog posts or videos showcasing how using this AI writing tool has helped elevate your business, ROI, or work.
  2. Promote your affiliate link on social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to extend the reach of potential customers.

Incorporating these strategies into your promotional efforts can help you build a successful partnership with Content at Scale while earning commissions from each new customer you bring in.

FAQs in Relation to Content at Scale Review

As you delve into the universe of Content at Scale, it’s only natural to have a few burning questions about what it brings to the table. In this part of our journey, I’ll tackle some frequently asked questions circling around its AI Detection Tool, SEO prowess, and how new companies can use this platform to their advantage for growth strategies.

Should you have any other queries about the features or capabilities of Content at Scale that I haven’t covered, don’t hesitate to check out their FAQ page.

Content at Scale is an innovative tool designed to create long-form content in large volumes of quality using artificial intelligence (AI). This software enables bloggers, marketers, or any type of content creator to publish content that is SEO-optimized without compromising on uniqueness or relevance.

Yes, Content at Scale is a reliable platform for generating high-quality long-form articles. It utilizes advanced AI technology to create unique and engaging articles that cater to your target audience’s needs. However, it’s essential to review content generated by AI for accuracy and context before publishing.

  • Semantic Analysis Algorithms: These semantic analysis algorithms ensure that your content is relevant and optimized based on top-ranking sites in your niche.
  • On-page SEO Checklist: A built-in checklist (similar to SurferSEO) helps you optimize each article according to best practices for higher search engine rankings.
  • Average Word Count Calculation: The platform calculates the average word count of similar articles within your niche so that you can create long-form content with optimal length for better engagement and ranking potential.

Detecting AI-generated text can be challenging as the technology improves over time.
However, some common signs include:

  • unnatural phrasing or repetition of words/ideas within the content
  • inconsistency in tone or style
  • factual inaccuracies
  • lack of contextual understanding
  • overly generic statements
  • excessive use of synonyms without clear purpose


So, Content at Scale didn’t exactly churn out a product review blog post that was ready to roll with a quick polish. Does that mean it fell flat on its face? Remember, penning a product review is a meticulous and nuanced art, and while what Content at Scale crafted didn’t exactly leave me with just two hours of editing, I can vouch from firsthand experience that it’s a different story with other types of content like listicles, how-to posts, and checklists.

Broadly, Content at Scale is a robust solution for businesses and individuals who want to streamline their creation process while churning out SEO-friendly content. It’s kitted out with features like custom project pages, generation of entire articles from multiple sources, ranking content options, plagiarism checks with Copyscape integration, an AI detection tool for top-notch output, and a smooth WordPress integration.

From where I’m standing, Content at Scale steals the show as one of the all-star content writing tools in 2023, especially when it comes to long-form content. There’s a whole host of factors that make it a cut above the rest, and that’s why it’s my go-to tool for writing lengthy pieces. If you’re aiming to ramp up your content output by tenfold while maintaining high quality with an average Grammarly text score of 90+, and you’re tired of hunting for human writers to regularly write blog posts for you, I’d tip my hat to Content at Scale.

Yes, the price tag is a notch higher than other tools I’ve tested. At $250 for the smallest subscription, it’s not exactly within everyone’s reach, and I agree with that. But if you view it as an investment rather than an expense, considering the benefits and free time you gain, I’d say it’s a price worth paying. I remember nearly spitting out my coffee when I first saw the starter plan’s price tag. But it piqued my curiosity, I gave it a whirl, and I was sold right off the bat, given I mostly write long-form content.

Sure, there are a few potential hitches, like limited options for short-form articles, social media content, and high subscription fees. But Content at Scale remains a formidable player in the market, especially when it comes to creating content from keywords, existing blog posts, YouTube videos, or podcasts.

If you’re someone who writes posts around 900 words or less and often needs to brainstorm ideas for titles, emails, or social media posts, Content at Scale might not be your cup of tea. In that case, I’d steer you towards alternatives like for your short-form copywriting needs, that offers creative solutions across formats at a fixed monthly fee with no word limit, or Writesonic’s wide array of applications.

I hope this Content at Scale 2.0 review has given you a clearer picture of what the software can and can’t do, where it shines, who it’s for, and who might want to give it a miss. Why not take it for a spin and share this review with others who might find it useful? Thanks for sticking with me through this review.

GL Tech Simplified
About Graz

Graz is a tech enthusiast with over 15 years of experience in the software industry, specializing in AI and software. With roles ranging from Coder to Product Manager, Graz has honed his skills in making complex concepts easy to understand. Graz shares his insights on AI trends and software reviews through his blog and social media.

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